We offer a paid waiting list option for those who want to have priority choice of our hedgehog babies. Most of our more desired colored hedgehogs are reserved by our Waiting List Members long before they become available to the public to reserve. Please read the policies on this page before clicking on the button below to request to join the Waiting List. A prepaid, nonrefundable deposit of $100, as well as an approved adoption application, are required to join. A password is required, as we would like you to contact us first - Facebook Messenger is preferred and quickest.

Waiting List POLICY

A $100 fee is required to join our Hedgehog Waiting List. Members on the paid Waiting List will receive priority pick of the litter in order of placement on the waiting list, and a $100 discount off the hedgehog baby of your choice. Dragonstone Ranch strives to produce several litters, at least once monthly. If a Waiting List Member does not wish to adopt any of the babies of a current round of litters, they may choose to pass, and their spot on the list will be retained. After 12 months, the Member will forfeit their place on the Waiting List, and their $100 discount will expire.

When it is almost time to choose babies, Members will receive a notification in the form of an Announcement pinned at the top of the Dragonstone Hedgehog Previews group. It is recommended that all Members turn on notifications for the Previews group so that the announcement is not missed. This is the time to ask for any additional details about the hoglets you are interested in, or to ask to see their pedigrees (for breeders). Do not wait until it is your turn to choose before requesting additional details, as that will delay the entire round of waiting list reservations. If you already know you will pass on the current round of litters, please message us before your turn as well. Availability of babies will be updated on the hedgehog page of this website.

Shortly after, the first Member on the list will be contacted via Facebook Messenger (or text message if the Member does not have Facebook). While each Member is allowed up to 24 hours to make their decision to either reserve a baby or pass on the litter, we ask that you please be considerate of the Members behind you on the waiting list and to respond in a timely manner. Failure to send a response within the allotted time will result in an automatic pass on the current litters. Once all Members have made their decisions on round, the remaining babies, if any, will be available for adoption to the public.

For Members who have placed multiple deposits for multiple hedgehogs, we can hold your babies for up to one month past their ready date so that you can choose hedgehogs from the next round. However, you must pay for the hedgehogs in full by their ready date(s) if we are to hold them longer. After one month, the hedgehog(s) must be transported on the next available route, or boarding fees will apply.

Dragonstone Ranch reserves the right to retain any hedgehog in order to maintain the integrity of the breeding program.

Dragonstone Hedgehog Previews

We have a private Facebook group dedicated to our Waiting List for hedgehogs. Once you have paid the Waiting List fee, you must send a request to join the Dragonstone Hedgehog Previews group by clicking the button below. Here is where we will be posting current babies in the nest as well as future litters. All announcements will be made in this private Facebook group.